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    NDS Flashcart FAQ

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    NDS Flashcart FAQ Empty NDS Flashcart FAQ

    Post by PSP_JADES Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:11 am

    First of all what is a flash cart? A flash cart is a ds cart which you put in your ds that will allow you to play downloaded games there are slot 2+1 solutions and now Slot 1 solutions.

    The first thing to be careful when buying flashcarts with inbuilt memory is that they often say there product has 4G's or 4Gb's but in reality they are GigaBITS opposed to gigabytes meaning they are an 8th of the advertised size meaning a 4G card is actually 512MB. If you are in doubt ask the seller as usually they will tell you the truth. Also when i say SD or SHDC i mean microsd/microsdhc

    The best place to buy flashcarts is usually a site called DealExtreme look them up - they are great.

    Slot 2+1 solutions:
    These allow you to use normal gba flash cartridges or purpose made ds lite gba slot cartridge as the flash memory and then use a passme or passcard to run the code through the ds.
    NDS Flashcart FAQ Passme
    NDS Flashcart FAQ Passcard3

    One advantage of these cartridges is you can play GBA roms with the majority of them.

    Examples of Slot 2+1 solutions include:
    M3 DS real, DS Fire Link, NCard, DS linker.

    Slot 2+1 solutions were really the first generation of ds flashcarts (equivalent of psp fw 1.50 + devhook - out of date and requires you to have unnecesary stuff) and are highly unreccomended unless you want some of the features they have. M3 DS REAL is the undisputed best Slot 2+1 solution.

    NDS Flashcart FAQ M3DS-real-gba

    Slot 1 solutions:
    These have built in passme and fit flush into your ds as they are the same size as a normal ds cart. They have a micro sd slot usually but some come with built in memory instead. All the cards i will mention have atleast 99% rom support and have download play support, wifi, automatic DLDI patching etc. A little while ago the popular budget cards were the M3 DS Simply and R4 - they are both the same product and both made in the R4 factory. The R4 is still very popular and there are many clones available.
    NDS Flashcart FAQ M3-ds-simply-r4

    The downfall of the R4 and M3 DS simply is that it doesnt support SDHC - most memory cards over 4gb. If you decide to buy an R4 or M3 Simply try and buy one that has the micro sd slot on the side as the ones that have a spring loaded one on the top get problems with the spring. Even though i own one, I personally wouldnt buy one now as there are better competitors out for a lower price.

    DO NOT buy a N5 they are cheap copies of the R4 that have SDHC but they have been known to break ds's after being used a bit.
    These are the common N5 packagings:
    NDS Flashcart FAQ N5DS
    (R4/Shrek copy)
    NDS Flashcart FAQ N5_R4_Dstt_Edge_Ds_Cards_M3ds_Real_Dstt_I_Touch_Ds_Card_R6_K6_Acekard_2
    DSTT copy
    NDS Flashcart FAQ Sku_11457_6_small
    Glossy packaging.

    Another budget card is the DSTT or TTDS: It has a nice gui and supports sdhc and R4 saves. A new version of the DSTT is being made and current stocks are low. The TTDS is becoming the next R4.

    There are lots of cheap cards that are not really known and probably not that good like the K6 which is a slot 1 solution with 1GB or 2GB built in etc.

    The cards below are some of the best budget cards on the market at the moment and itouch is probably the better option.

    The DS EDGE is gaining popularity due to it being a sturdy CycloDS clone (so it has a great gui and apparently similiar hardware) with nice packaging that supports SDHC.

    Itouch ds has 100% compatability for roms at the moment and has great homebrew support and can run M3DSREAL's software as it is a m3 product.

    AceKard 2 also has great compatibility and the developers are good. There was a defective batch however so be wary of them.

    The supercard sd one was often classed as a expensive card before as it has SDHC when sd was the norm and good packaging, but now it is cheap in price and cant compare to the other expensive cards, worth noting is that it has Savestates.

    And now we move on to the more expensive cards which completely outshine the cards we have just had a look at:

    G6 has built in highspeed 8G/1gb storage or 16G/2gb storage, automatic savetype recognition etc.

    M3DSREAL has a microsd slot and comes with a gba cart so you can play gba roms on it, its features are much like the G6's.

    The cyclods evolution has a metal tin and is often talked about as the best flash cart and does SDHC. Has better features than the M3 Real.

    The AceKard R.P.G (real playing gear) has a micro SDHC slot aswell as 1GB inbuilt and was the first dual cart like that. It is completely open source so it will run most other cartridges GUI's and therefore have just about 100% compatibility for everything as if something doesnt work somone will fix it as it has a large community. It has built in rom trimming aswell. It is probably one of the best flash cartridges ever made.


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